lunes, 18 de abril de 2016

¿Quieren saber cómo es un curso en Coursera?

¿Quieren saber cómo es un curso en Coursera?

Me inscribí a Introduction to Search Engine Optimizationde la University of California Davis Extension. Este curso está dividido en 4 módulos que son 4 semanas. El curso está en inglés.  

Semana 1 Getting started & introduction to SEO
Semana 2 Evolution of SEO
Semana 3 Current SEO Best practices
Semana 4 SEO of Today, tomorrow and beyond & Course WRap-Up

El curso está compuesto por videos, lecturas y quizes

En la app te va apareciendo con una palomita verde los videos que ya viste.

En el primer modulo verán lo siguiente:

  • Describe how search engines index and catalog sites and the underlying technology that allows it to do so. 
  • Identify shifts in algorithms in how they process search results
  • Recognize best practices in SEO
  • Best practices and the penalties that come from violating them are what helps us ensure reliable, trustworthy search results. 
  • Evaluate websites and predict rankings

Module 1

Define Search engine optimization: A practice of improving a web site’s visibility and search. sEO fits into a larger digital marketing strategy. And is more focused on obtaining free or organic traffic. 
Other roles within the digital marketing umbrella include:
Search engine marketing, which is the practice for bidding for paid advertisement and search engines. 
Content marketing which focuses on writing for blogs, newsletters, etc.

Specializations: Local SEO, technical SEO, copy writing. 

White hat: follow search engine best practices laid out by google and other search engines
Grey hat: tend to be somewhere in the middle 
Black hat: SEOs tend to go against the grain and participate in what some might consider manipulative practices, SEOs tend to get hit with penalties more frequently and are known for more churn and burn approach to SEO. 

The major search engines are Google, yahoo and bing. 
Google has the largest market share out of all search engines, google is the most widely used search engine and has the best market share. 
By optimizing for google you are following websites best practices that will help your site rank better across the board 

Advertisers bid on queries and keywords
Organic results  
Most search engines are ad supported, for profit 

SEOs strive for page 1, organic ranking
Goal: highest organic result for relevant keyword
71% traffic comes from first page of results
Users are more likely to simply refine their search query, rather than continue on the second page of search results. 
First 5 results account for 685 of CLICKS
A Career in SEO requires varied skill set, technical in nature, incorporates psychology and creativity. knowledge of websites, search engines, browsers, 

What attracts users?
What converts users?
Is my copy engaging? 

Optimization: Competing for ranking 

Careers in SEO:
1 Consultant 
2 In- House 
3 Agency 

SEO responsibilities:
Analyse site
Interpret problems
Make recommendations 

SEO is a mix of strategy and tactics where you are thinking constantly about how do we align to the business and marketing goals, but also, thinking about how do search engines and how do end users, human beings, how do they navigate the web? 

5 areas: 

1 Planning and delivery 

2 Training

3 Delivery of recommendations 
1  Key words and content (what should go on the actual page itself) 
2 Technical or 
        3 Administrative areas

3 Localization 
Recommendations in the form of a email or a spreadsheet or a word document 

4 Reporting (SEO is about the word and the strategy but it’s also about numbers and metrics driven capacity, where you are thinking through what is driving the results, and how do we measure those results)
Google analytics 
Adobe analytics

5  Testing and innovations  

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