viernes, 30 de septiembre de 2016

Esto tienes que decir a tu cliente si eres un mercadólogo y vendes una estrategia digital

La mercadotecnia digital está cada vez más presente en las estrategias que se plantean tanto en departamentos como en agencias contratadas, a la par de los planes offline, que también son solicitados por el cliente y que consiste en estrategias de promoción, activaciones, publicidad exterior, en fin, la lista es larga.

Cuando llega el momento de plantear una estrategia de mercadotecnia digital, existen numerosos datos que ayudan a definirla.

En 7 claves sobre inversión en publicidad digital que debes observar, ya hablábamos de datos que ayudan a pensar en una estrategia a partir de su implementación y conocimiento como marco teórico o anexo dentro de la propuesta a presentar y que a continuación enlistamos:

1. La inversión en publicidad digital a nivel mundial podría alcanzar los 191.85 mil millones de dólares en 2017, según un estimado de Magnaglobal y Campaign Asia.

2. En mercados como el de Estados Unidos, la publicidad que mayor porcentaje de inversión obtuvo fue la móvil, con un 35 por ciento, mientras que los motores de búsqueda alcanzaron una inversión de 34 por ciento, esto de acuerdo a PwC e IAB.

3. Para 2020 la inversión que se espera que alcance la publicidad a través de internet es de 260.36 mil mdd, según PwC.

4. Las regiones del mundo que mayor inversión en publicidad digital obtendrán este año son Norteamérica (35.5 por ciento), Asia Pacífico (28.2 por ciento) y Europa Occidental (19.8 por ciento), esto según eMarketer.

5. Entre los mayores mercados online, en el de Estados Unidos, Reino Unido y China se concentró la mayor inversión en publicidad, esto de acuerdo a Digital TV Research.

6. Según IDATE, el formato publicitario que a nivel mundial mayor inversión generarán este año son la publicidad móvil (14.05 mil millones de euros), la publicidad en redes sociales (12.5 mil mde) y la publicidad en videos digitales (7.98 mil mde).

7. Un séptimo dato es la participación de Claudio Flores, vicepresidente de LEXIA Insights Solutions, en el Congreso Nacional de Marketing Digital 2016.

Aunado a esto, es preciso tener presente cifras de The Advertising Research Foundation (ARF), que condujo el estudio How Advertising Works Today, en el que analizó cinco mil campañas en 54 países.

Dentro de las claves del estudio está el incremento en 60 por ciento del ROI, cuando se implementan estrategias en televisión y en digital.

Lo anterior cobra sentido cuando un estudio conducido por Nielsen encontró en 2015, que un 9 por ciento de los consumidores compró un producto o servicio en su tableta, mientras esta era anunciado en televisión.

Continuando con el estudio que publicó la ARF, el balance que encontró entre estrategias en televisión y digitales apuntan a una inversión en el 71 por ciento en medios tradicionales y un 29 por ciento en digital.

Finalmente, un segundo estudio que puede ayudar en la presentación de una estrategia de marketing digital es Captivate vs. Aggravate,  conducido por Kargo y MediaScience, donde se reporta la relación entre los formatos de banners y sus resultados en la experiencia de usuario con el consumidor:

Adhesion Banner: Un 38 por ciento de los usuarios que tuvieron experiencia con este formato lo miraron un promedio de 1.6 segundos.

In-Stream: Un 63 por ciento de los usuarios que tuvieron experiencia con este formato lo miraron un promedio de 3.1 segundos.

Interstitial: Un 71 por ciento de los usuarios que tuvieron experiencia con este formato lo miraron un promedio de 2.5 segundos.

Sidekick: Un 64 por ciento de los usuarios que tuvieron experiencia con este formato lo miraron un promedio de 3.1 segundos.

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jueves, 29 de septiembre de 2016

3 datos en SEO que te serán de ayuda en tu estrategia

Sin duda, un factor fundamental para que una estrategia de marketing digital es un buen manejo del posicionamiento SEO, debido a que ayuda a las marcas a ganar relevancia y lograr posicionarse en los motores de búsqueda, lo que se traduce en mayores probabilidades de reforzar su engagement.

Para las empresas, invertir en el Search Engine Optimization (SEO) es muy importante, tan sólo para este año se estima que se invertirán más de 65 millones de dólares, acuerdo con datos revelados por Borrell Associates. Pero, para que estas inversiones tengan mayores probabilidades de éxitos, es importante contar con un panorama de las tendencias.

Te compartimos algunos datos que te serán de ayuda en tu estrategia SEO:

1. Hay tres métricas que, de acuerdo con, no se pueden olvidar en una estrategia. Estas son: Monitor Time On-Page, encargada de medir si los contenidos logran la visibilidad orgánica y el tiempo de permanencia en la página; Audience Overview, para dar seguimiento al segmento Pages/Session; y el Monitor Traffic By Device, para medir desde qué dispositivos proviene la mayoría del tráfico.

2. La innovación y creatividad en las estrategias SEO es importante, por ello las principales marcas buscan de manera constante diferenciarse de las técnicas y recursos convencionales. Hoy, conocemos que la BBC está experimentando con titulares exponencialmente largos.

3. El SEO es una prioridad cuando se trata de ejecutar estrategias de inbound marketing, así lo indica un análisis global de HubSpot, en el que han participado más de 4.500 profesionales relacionados con diversas empresas y negocios. Aunque, la investigación también destaca su participación en content marketing.

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Si eres mercadólogo mexicano debes de conocer esto en marketing digital

México ya cuenta con 127 mil 430 profesionales en mercadotecnia en lo que va de 2016 , de acuerdo a datos proyectados por el Observatorio Laboral de la Secretaría del Trabajo.

Ante estos nutridos números, el mercado parece necesitar profesionales con una mayor apuesta en su conocimiento digital, haciendo importante observar desde qué punto se parte para lograr esta inversión capitalizada en rendimiento, elemento clave cuando se entregan resultados a las marcas.

El conocimiento digital también depende de la constante actualización que se obtiene en el mercado desde el punto de vista digital, donde surgen nuevos conceptos que se acuñan ante un mayor número de dispositivos móviles o el incremento en la necesidad de interacción a través de redes sociales.

A través de estas nuevas manera de impactar en los contextos, desde una estrategia digital, es que se puede lograr con éxito la aplicación de un medio de comunicación online.

Una oportunidad de inversión en conocimiento digital como mercadólogo está en acudir al Congreso Nacional de Marketing Digital por celebrarse el 23 y 24 de noviembre en Expo Bancomer de la Ciudad de México.

A través de conferencias con 30 líderes de marketing, se expondrán las tendencias, tácticas y estrategias que han llevado sus marcas a posicionarse en el mercado.

Este Congreso busca en el mercadólogo que participe dentro del evento, que siga las tendencias y desarrolle oportunidades de implementar campañas que consigan el compromiso con diferentes tipos de consumidores, pero ahora, desde la perspectiva de hiperconectividad, donde las estrategias digitales siempre están redactadas en la lista del plan de mercadotecnia.

Con un nuevo medio digital, el mercadólogo se encuentra ante nuevos retos como el de comunicar contenidos a través de diversos canales, que deben de producirse ajustados a las plataformas y pensando en la naturaleza de las marcas.


Congreso Nacional de Marketing Digital 2016

-23 y 24 de noviembre.

-Puedes comprar tu boleto dando clic aquí.


-Twitter: @CongresoMD

-Facebook: Congreso Nacional de Marketing Digital

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9 Facebook Page Optimization Tips To Beat Your Competitors

Data collected has already proven that Facebook is the most recognized social network for marketing activities. As a business owner, no doubt you’ve already realized how vital your online presence is for connecting to your regular clients, targeting potential customers and marketing new products and services. With Facebook’s over a billion monthly active users, it would be a shame to miss out on this level of exposure to potential customers.

Because entrepreneurs are competitive enough, it shouldn’t take a lot to convince them that Facebook marketing is no longer viewed as an innovative way to market but the new norm. New businesses are even opting to skip the expenses of hiring professionals to build them a website that can take months and go straight to rolling out Facebook business pages within minutes for free.

With most companies relying on Facebook to enhance their marketing efforts, the question of how to make your business page better than your competitors’ is important. Because Facebook’s customization is very limited, what can business owners do to get the most out of their Facebook page?

Here are some of the most standard and simple practices that should be used to optimize your Facebook business page and make sure that you are better than your competitors.

1. Choosing the right name

Whether it came to you in a dream or you spent hours, maybe even days conceptualizing it, take pride in your company name. Be proud and stand behind that name because once you’ve chosen it as your Facebook page title, you’re stuck with it forever. Facebook will allow you to make edits in your profile but your business name is permanent.

Your Facebook page name sits prominently at the top of your profile and may be the first thing your potential customers will read when they visit your page. It will also be all they see when they start to search for your page on Facebook.

Once you’ve decided on your Facebook page name, don’t forget to claim your vanity URL. When you first create a Facebook business page, your URL is quite long with a combination of text and numbers which aren’t exactly pretty. It certainly isn’t easy to remember.

Luckily, you have the option to claim a customizable URL referred to as vanity URLs that Facebook calls usernames. Your business page name can be your vanity URL, making it easier for you and your customers to remember and for you to promote your Facebook presence.

2. Fill out your profile completely.

When you fail to provide your audience with all the information they need to make an inquiry, chances are they will move on. Leaving sections like your contact number, operating hours, and location may cause a potential customer to lose interest.

This section is your stage to introduce yourself to the market. With the About button placed prominently on your Facebook page, this section may be the first click for potential customers visiting your Facebook business page for the first time. Make the content engaging and descriptive.

Tell everyone about your business; your humble beginnings, awards and achievements, what makes you different, or your company mission. What are your services, products, menus, and directions? Feature your website, opening hours and contact information.

3. Your cover and profile photo

Your cover and profile photo

Your cover photo has the most visibility on your Facebook page covering almost a third of your screen on both mobile and desktop. Think of the Facebook business page cover photo as your billboard. Your cover photo could be your best-selling product, top performing employee, a graphic that expresses the company’s mission, or even your storefront.

While your cover photo should be an appealing image that you can change as often as you want, your profile picture should be your company logo. Unlike your personal Facebook page, it is best to keep a fixed profile picture of your logo on your business page; unless, of course, your logo gets a redesign.

4. Call-to-action buttons

You have the option to include call-to-action buttons on your business page that best apply to your line of business. You can choose from Book Now, Call Now, Contact Us, Send Message, Use App, Play Game, Shop Now, Sign Up, Watch Video, Send Email, Learn More, and Request Appointment.

These buttons allow your customers to interact with your business page easily. Because interaction is a significant determining factor in the success of your business, best you utilize call-to-action buttons to give your customers the best platform to contact you, order your products, submit inquiries and schedule your services.

5. Pin relevant posts to the top of the page

There was a time when important content got lost in the feed because posts could only be displayed in chronological order. But with the option to pin posts to the top, your favorite posts get the spotlight. Make sure that you have the most important piece of content pinned to the top of your page so that you are sure your visitors will see it.

6. Timeline of company milestones

Sharing your business’s history allows your customers to get to know your brand. Milestones could include when you made your very first sale, opened your flagship storefront, product launch dates and other historical events related to your brand. Share a photo captioned with a brief story of the historical event to bring your milestone post to life.

7. Tabs

Each Facebook page already has tabs like About, Events, and Photos displayed, by default. Because your cover photo already spans close to half the page, your visitors eyes will most likely wander straight to your visible tabs. It’s super important that the tabs you choose be captivating and engaging.

8. Cool images and creative captions

Cool images and creative captions

You could fill your Facebook business page with the most descriptive, creative statuses every day and still not get any attention from consumers. The human mind reacts to images much faster than text. When you see an ad, are you more likely to remember that the picture was a red ball or the caption that read “actual product is blue”?

Are you more likely to order from the bakery that has an image of a beautifully decorated chocolate cake captioned with “The Chocolate Sin is a moist dark chocolate chiffon cake with luscious hazelnut frosting, topped with malted milk balls”? Or will you order from the shop that offers you no visual, only the promise that their chocolate cake is simply the best?

Another social media giant, Instagram, is also being used by businesses because they’ve identified the market’s demand for stimulating images coupled with engaging text. By default, Instagram is set up to share to your personal Facebook profile. But with a few clicks on Instagram’s settings, you can link your account to your business’s Facebook page.

9. Apps

There are preinstalled applications that you can use completely free of charge. But if you’re looking for specific functionality and willing to spend, there are also Premium services that may require an additional fee by the owner of the app.

Apps for Facebook business pages were designed to maximize marketing efforts by gathering email addresses to build mailing lists, pages for ticket purchase, creating complex e-commerce shops and running contests.

Businesses are using social media like Facebook to run contests that drive attention straight to their business page. It is as easy as posting contest mechanics on your timeline and getting your existing audience to spread the word for you.

To join, participants must share your original post on their timelines and tag friends who might be interested in joining as well. Those who land on your page after being tagged can only participate in the giveaway if they like your page first. Without spending a dime, you’ve just increased your number of followers. A bigger following means a larger audience for future posts of your products and services.  


The best part about creating a Facebook business page is that it is entirely free. Choosing to open a Facebook business page can even lower your marketing expenses, when comparing to traditional marketing methods. It isn’t until you start paying for ads or boosting posts that you’ll start to pay for anything.

Despite the costs of running Facebook Sponsored Stories or promoting your page to gain more followers, social media marketing is still considered inexpensive compared to traditional marketing in print, TV, and radio. Once you’ve optimized your Facebook business page, you’re ready to establish brand loyalty.

Putting your business on Facebook isn’t just about creating your page then walking away, expecting it to work for you. The beauty of a Facebook business page is that it allows you to engage with your customers. Your followers are more likely to do business with you when they see that your page is responsive to inquiries, quick to reply to comments and active in posting fresh content.

It takes real work to run your Facebook business page; from answering queries to updating statuses to posting exciting visuals with intriguing text. Unfortunately, if you don’t have the time to do the work, and without interacting with your audience, your Facebook business page might as well be an ad in the phone book.  Let me know what you have done to optimize your own page and get results from your business. As always I am happy to chat about Facebook or anything marketing related that comes up. You can find us here

Jason Gordon, Founder – Strong Social

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9 Tips For Your Small Business To Save Time On Social Media

Social media has changed just about every aspect of the way we conduct business today. The intrinsic importance of reaching a customer, through social media platforms is equally important to large businesses as it is to small business and startups.

However, statistics prove it is the small businesses who will benefit the most from assembling effective social media campaigns. But the question is; how does a small business owner with basic social media skills and a full schedule take on the time-consuming process of managing a social media presence?

This article will illustrate some of the many ways to address the most important tasks of social media management. While some of the following suggestions will involve adjusting your approach slightly, others will involve taking full advantage if you aren’t already doing this. . Study them all and decide which are best for your situation.

1. Only Use the Platforms you Need

You are sure to find that, according to the 80/20 rule, 80% of your most valuable customers will be present on 20% of the social media platforms. By keeping your focus where your social media community is most active, you will keep greater efficiency in your social media efforts.

Furthermore, once you have narrowed your selection of social media platforms to 2 or 3 options max, you will be able to manage them all by consolidating them into one platform if you look for a good management tool that works for them all. This is explained further on in this article.

2. Keep a Regular Schedule


Beginning your social media campaign without first setting up a proper schedule and agenda for meeting goals will not produce worthwhile results. When a plan has been laid out on paper or pixels, it is far easier to work from because it has a visual aspect — making it harder to forget. All your actions will be planned and therefore you won’t have to make decisions at the spur of the moment.

There are many online applications that can help to set up a functioning calendar for posting regular content. Create a format that indicates what will; be posted from day to day; this should include topics, updates and even the images that will accompany the post.

3. Consider Using Tools to Automate the Process

There have been many different tools created that can help to facilitate the process of scheduling and even automating your posts for major social media networks like Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, Facebook and more. Following are some examples:

Tweetdeck— this is a very popular tool for managing multiple Twitter accounts. It can also be used to set up specific times and dates for all the Tweets you can post and also features a tool that allows you locate hot content online.

Hootsuite— Hootsuite works to set up posts on LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter. Hootsuite is also user friendly with a very straight forward scheduling interface.

Buffer — the freemium version of this software will allow the user to connect up to 4 social media accounts from across Google+, LinkedIn, Twitter or Facebook. You will need the paid version of Buffer to gain access to a week’s overview of scheduled posts on an easy to understand social media calendar.

 IFTTT – stands for ‘If This Then That’, this tool will allow you to create “recipes” or connections across your various social media accounts. The “recipes” will have triggers that can be used to setup and activate a social media action or post.

4. Outsourcing the Task of Social Media Management

There is a big difference between delegating this important task to a responsible handler, and shirking your responsibility. It all comes down to choosing the right person for this job. Having an expert in social media management handle this campaign can be hugely beneficial if the right manager is found. Following are a few features to look for in a suitable social media manager:

Social Media Enthusiast — find someone who has an active social media account(s) and can show you the progress they have made. Someone with plenty of experience will not suffer the setbacks of a serious learning curve as harshly.

Clearly Defined Objectives— your social media manager should be able to elaborate on various objectives they have found successful and explain how they can be adapted to your campaign. This will include some best practices to employ for quickly growing pages and attracting members of your specific demographic.

Good Communicator — there will be times when you will need to intervene on some level and having a manager who can contact you in time to extinguish a problem with angry former clients before they begin to tarnish your company image can prevent risks.

As the voice of your company, a social media manager should also be able to carry the tone you wish to convey to your audience; an authoritative tone for speaking with professionals or a whimsical, fun-loving tone for promoting vacation packages. A good communicator is also a great conversation starter and this is the way to engage a following and hold them while you present them your options.

Experienced — above all, you need someone with plenty of experience. The worst thing that can happen is to trust this essential aspect of business publicity in the hands of a rookie. In the end your social media management may end up costing you more and saving you no time. Go professional or DIY.

5. Curating Content


While promoting yourself is beneficial, and fun, promoting other people on your sight can be another effective way to increase your social media preponderance. Not only does this get the attention of your fellows but can often be used as a way to post your content on other sites.

But who has time to go running all over the social media world and Internet as a whole looking for the kind of content you need on your site? There are easier ways to accomplish this task.

If you are using Tweetdeck, you can run different searches in different columns for terms you find relevant. For example, a surfing instructor could look up the term “surf” and be presented with all the recent posts on this topic.   

Instead of attempting all this on Twitter, you can simply refer to your Tweetdeck account and handle all the reposting from there. If you are interested in what the experts have to say about the content curation option, check out this post here.

6. Quality not Quantity

There will be literally thousands of different ways to engage your social media audience; practice them all and your efforts will be time consuming and largely ineffective. Not every strategy is suitable to your business goals and too many strategies make the possibility of reaching goals more difficult.

Narrow down your social media campaign to 2 or 3 fronts each with specific goals. If you hope to greatly increase your email list, for example, you could use the Facebook “call to action” button on your Facebook Page, to invite visitors to join your email groups. Something similar can be accomplished with Twitter’s lead generation cards.

7. Carefully Balance Posting

The best way to keep your social media audience attuned to your options is with a healthy stream of valuable content. The more frequent and consistent your posts the less chance your audience will have to wander off looking for other options.

Nevertheless, you will need to balance your production of content. First, because posting excessive amounts of content will not allow your audience sufficient time to enjoy and pass the content around, for maximum exposure. Second, producing a large amount of content is not as easy as it may seem, even for an industry expert; you will want to maximize the impact of every bit of valuable content.

On the other hand, having this creative content produced for you is also an option, click here for more information.

8. Choose the Optimal Time to Post


Post at a time you know the largest population of your social media audience is active on their accounts. This could be in the mornings from Monday to Friday. Regularly reviewing the information provided by Google Analytics can help you decide the best time for reaching the most clients. For more information please read: When Is The Best Time To Post On Social Media?

9. Keep up With Regular Maintenance

Never neglect to spend time buffing, polishing and maintaining your social media campaign. A big part of this job is approaching your campaign from the outside and making sure it is in the best conditions. Social media platforms perform many regular updates and changes that can affect the usability of your campaign. Staying on top of all these particulars keeps your social media presence in optimal conditions and saves you from down times.

In Closing — never underestimate the importance of your social media campaign, we never do. This is why we at Strong Social Media offer experienced support in producing and executing social media plans that can effectively increase growth and online prominence — visit our main page today to find out what we can do to maximize your brand’s social media image.

Jason Gordon, Founder – Strong Social

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miércoles, 28 de septiembre de 2016

7 claves sobre inversión en publicidad digital que debes observar

La inversión en publicidad digital tiene una proyección al alza y se trata de un síntoma que nos demuestra que el consumidor digital se multiplica y la experiencia de mercado online crece.

El crecimiento de este mercado plantea en mercadotecnia la necesidad de estar en sintonía con las tendencias que se emparejan a la necesidad de estrategias que ayuden a adecuarse a nuevos formatos de consumo.

Para lograr este desempeño resulta clave el trabajo que los mercadólogos encuentran en poder contar con los conocimientos a partir de experiencias que se cuentan en la industria, donde la norma está llevando a los estrategas a conseguir formas de atraer mayor inversión, como recurso que ayuda a potenciar la creatividad o lograr que esta pueda comunicarse ya no en mayor número de canales, sino mediante recursos que permiten un aumento en la retribución de la inversión.

El estimado de inversión en publicidad digital tan sólo para este 2016 es de 170.65 mil millones de dólares, según una proyección de Magnaglobal y Campaign Asia.

En medio de esta apuesta, existen siete claves que pueden ayudan a tomar el pulso de la inversión en publicidad digital que nos puede ayudar a nuestra estrategia.

1. La inversión en publicidad digital a nivel mundial podría alcanzar los 191.85 mil millones de dólares en 2017, según un estimado de Magnaglobal y Campaign Asia.

2. En mercados como el de Estados Unidos, la publicidad que mayor porcentaje de inversión obtuvo fue la móvil, con un 35 por ciento, mientras que los motores de búsqueda alcanzaron una inversión de 34 por ciento, esto de acuerdo a PwC e IAB.

3. Para 2020 la inversión que se espera que alcance la publicidad a través de internet es de 260.36 mil mdd, según PwC.

4. Las regiones del mundo que mayor inversión en publicidad digital obtendrán este año son Norteamérica (35.5 por ciento), Asia Pacífico (28.2 por ciento) y Europa Occidental (19.8 por ciento), esto según eMarketer.

5. Entre los mayores mercados online, en el de Estados Unidos, Reino Unido y China se concentró la mayor inversión en publicidad, esto de acuerdo a Digital TV Research.

6. Según IDATE, el formato publicitario que a nivel mundial mayor inversión generarán este año son la publicidad móvil (14.05 mil millones de euros), la publicidad en redes sociales (12.5 mil mde) y la publicidad en videos digitales (7.98 mil mde).

7. Un séptimo dato es la participación de Claudio Flores, vicepresidente de LEXIA Insights Solutions, en el Congreso Nacional de Marketing Digital 2016.

Flores coordina el Comité de Comunicación del Consejo Directivo de la Asociación Mexicana de Agencias de Investigación de Mercados y Opinión Pública (AMAI), así como del Colegio de Especialistas en Demoscopia y Encuestas (CEDE). Además es líder del grupo de trabajo de Multi Screen en la IAB México.

Especialista en metodología cualitativa, ha diseñado, coordinado y ejecutado proyectos de investigación desde hace 20 años en diversos campos: evaluación publicitaria, engagement, posicionamiento, branding, imagen institucional y de gobierno, impacto de campañas de salud, valoración de productos audiovisuales, enriquecimiento de estrategias para campañas políticas, promocionales, prueba de conceptos creativos, planeación turística, agroquímicos.
Ha participado en proyectos de investigación en la UIA, FLACSO, UAM, UNAM y UACH.

Una oportunidad de su experiencia está en acudir al Congreso
Nacional de Marketing Digital por celebrarse el 23 y 24 de noviembre en Expo Bancomer de la Ciudad de México.

El Congreso Nacional de Marketing Digital es un foro organizado por la revista Merca2.0. En su quinta edición garantiza el conocimiento de las tendencias en el área digital, a través de la experiencia de 30 líderes de la industria de marketing en México y Latinoamérica, los cuales durante dos días compartirán con los asistentes las mejores prácticas de mercadotecnia en dicho sector.


-23 y 24 de noviembre.

-Puedes comprar tu boleto dando clic aquí.


-Twitter: @CongresoMD

-Facebook: Congreso Nacional de Marketing Digital

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martes, 27 de septiembre de 2016

¿Qué beneficios hay para un mercadólogo que actualiza sus habilidades digitales?

La mercadotecnia digital es cada vez más importante por un crecimiento natural de la penetración de tecnología en el mercado, dando forma a consumidores móviles y mercados digitales que exigen un entrenamiento continuo, con el que los profesionales de esta área logren optimizar su inversión en mercadotecnia.

Actualmente contamos con canales en los que es posible pensar en la comercialización de un producto como los correos electrónicos, la publicidad en display de computadoras o dispositivos móviles, redes sociales y mediante motores de búsqueda.

La mercadotecnia digital está apostando a nuevas tendencias que exige el consumidor y que están motivando al conocimiento de la experiencia de usuario con mayor detalle o desde nuevas ópticas.

En este sentido, los mercadólogos que logren obtener opiniones y relacionarse con profesionales que tienen las mismas inquietudes, como saber qué objetivos se pueden plantear a través de una necesidad de saber qué tendencias digitales pueden llevar al mejoramiento de sus conocimientos, estarán invirtiendo no sólo por mayor aprendizaje, esto también se refleja en nuevas oportunidades de crecimiento laboral.

Desde esta presencia digital, los mercadólogos no sólo se encuentran frente a 53.9 millones de usuarios de internet proyectados por la Amipci en México durante 2014, se colocan ante una industria digital, móvil y de redes sociales en las que es necesario tener los conocimientos que permitan pensar en innovación dentro de las empresas.

Una oportunidad de lograr contar con este perfil se presenta con la realización del Congreso
Nacional de Marketing Digital por celebrarse el 23 y 24 de noviembre en Expo Bancomer de la Ciudad de México.

El Congreso Nacional de Marketing Digital es un foro organizado por la revista Merca2.0. En su quinta edición garantiza el conocimiento de las tendencias en el área digital, a través de la experiencia de 30 líderes de la industria de marketing en México y Latinoamérica, los cuales durante dos días compartirán con los asistentes las mejores prácticas de mercadotecnia en dicho sector.


-23 y 24 de noviembre.

-Puedes comprar tu boleto dando clic aquí.


-Twitter: @CongresoMD

-Facebook: Congreso Nacional de Marketing Digital

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¿Cuáles son los perfiles que están surgiendo en el Marketing Digital?

Internacional.- El Marketing Digital es uno de los tipos de marketing que más está en auge en los últimos tiempo. Y, debido a ese auge, lo cierto es que ahora, está impulsando nuevos perfiles laborales vinculados con las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación (TIC). Pero, ¿cuáles son las nuevas profesiones que están surgiendo a raíz del Marketing Digital? Para dar respuesta a esta pregunta, Digilant ha analizado los nuevos perfiles más buscados en mercados como España, Estados Unidos, Colombia, Italia, México, Perú y Reino Unido.

1.- Chief Data Officer (director de Datos): es el máximo responsable de la información que posee la compañía sobre los consumidores, la competencia, tendencias, el mercado, etc. y diseña estrategias sobre el uso de estos datos.
2.- Data Scientist (científico de Datos): es el perfil más buscado en España y Estados Unidos. La definición de este puesto, aún no es muy homogénea.
3.- Chief Revenue Officer (o director de Ingresos): agrupa las áreas de Marketing, Compras y Ventas. Aporta un enfoque estratégico a los canales de ingresos de la empresa.
4.- Product Marketing Manager: es una profesión que aúna las labores del Product Management y del Product Marketing.
5.- Branding Manager (director de Marca): engloba la máxima responsabilidad en Marketing y Comunicación.
6.- UX Designer (experto en Usabilidad y Experiencia de Usuario): es el encargado de conocer qué buscan y qué necesitan los usuarios para que así el espacio virtual sea atractivo de fácil navegación.
7.- Experience Designer (especialista en Experiencia de Usuario): su trabajo está orientado al desarrollo de productos o servicios para así fidelizar a los consumidores a través de emociones que generen engagement con la marca.
8.- Growth Hacker (estratega de Posicionamiento): se especializa en lograr rápidos crecimientos de la presencia de una marca en Social Media.
9.- Social Media Strategist: es el especialista dedicado a generar vínculos estables y positivos entre el usuario y la marca a través de las redes sociales.
10.- Narrowcaster: es un nuevo perfil encargado de generar contenidos para audiencias muy específicas.

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lunes, 26 de septiembre de 2016

El marketing deportivo: oportunidad invaluable para las marcas

Si hay algo que en mercadotecnia puede rendir grandes frutos si sabemos aplicarlo bien es un asertivo aprovechamiento del amor que llegan a tener los fanáticos por la camiseta de su equipo. No hay nada con lo que el consumidor habitual puede identificarse tanto y guardar una interminable fidelidad que con su deporte favorito y más aún, con el equipo que se identifica.

Este sentimiento de pertenencia a un grupo y de competencia hacia la gloria que poseen los fanáticos es un terreno ganado por los que se dedican a remover emociones para convencer y vender, por lo que una estrategia bien concebida que apunte directamente al corazón de los fanáticos es una oportunidad de oro que deben aprovechar quienes buscan públicos cautivos proclives a recibir mensajes bien focalizados.

Una prueba innegable que desde siempre ha representado un caso de éxito es el Super Bowl, la perfecta unión entre el deporte y la creatividad que año representa un reto para las marcas marcas, quienes tienen que renovarse para un público cada vez más difícil de impactar.

Tan sólo este año, el gran evento generó una ganancia de casi mil millones de dólares en diferentes rubros y etapas. Se calcula que sólo en Estados Unidos 130 millones de personas vieron el encuentro, esto es equiparable a que la totalidad de los habitantes de México vieran el partido con sus respectivos impactos publicitarios.

Lo anterior solo es un ejemplo de lo que se puede obtener aprovechando la desmedida afición que existe por algunas disciplinas deportivas y los beneficios que se pueden obtener si la imaginación del mercadólogo y publicista es suficiente.

Sin embargo, no sólo el omnipotente vecino del norte tiene la capacidad de sacar jugo a la afición. Nuestro país, caracterizado por ser dueño de una gran cultura futbolística representa uno de los principales bastiones en cuanto a la aplicación de la mercadotecnia deportiva. Los presupuestos que se destinan a buscar impactos dentro del balompié son enormes y por supuesto, los impactos están garantizados.

No obstante, el deporte más popular del mudo no es el único que sabe rendir frutos. Apenas hace un año, uno de las disciplinas más emocionantes, es la Fórmula Uno, un espectáculo que regresó a México luego de poco más de dos décadas de ausencia en nuestro país. El grado de sofisticación de la máxima categoría del automovilismo exige un grado similar de calidad en cuanto a las estrategias de marketing que deben aplicarse a un público que disfruta del elitismo que significa un evento como éste.

Es la calidad de un acontecimiento como éste que propicia que la creatividad de agencias y profesionales se avoquen a generar grandes experiencias a su alrededor. Este es el caso de la F1 Fanzone México, un evento paralelo al Gran Premio de México en el que los aficionados pueden vivir la Fórmula Uno de una manera alternativa que representa una gran oportunidad de participación para las marcas.

La Fanzone de México es un gran evento en el que la agencia productora y las marcas deben echar mano de su imaginación para cautivar a los más de 40 mil personas que asistirán durante los tres días del Gran Premio de México. El acontecimiento, que ocurre en sólo seis países que cuentan con Grandes Premios, incluido México, ofrece la oportunidad no sólo a quienes no lograron asistir al Autódromo Hermanos Rodríguez, sino a quienes sí lo hicieron, pero al terminar quieren seguir gozando de la experiencia del automovilismo, pues se trata de un evento de case mundial, y la más grande Fanzone del mundo, según la propia F1.

La Fanzone México podrá ser, por tercer año consecutivo, un evento que demuestre que en cuestión de aplicación de event marketing y activaciones BTL enfocadas al deporte, nuestro país se encuentra dentro de los mejores del mundo, y podemos lograr que tanto aficionados, agencias y marcas siempre terminemos ganando medallas de talento, creatividad y satisfacción.   

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5 novedades en marketing digital que debes de conocer

En mercadotecnia digital los cambios son permanentes y nos llevan a observar las tendencias que están marcando plataformas en redes sociales o en publicidad digital.

La primer novedad llega de la mano de un reporte hecho por el diario The Wall Street Journal donde se revela que agencias como Dentsu cobraron de más a 111 compañías por sus anuncios de internet, además de que no se cumplía con acuerdos como la aparición de anuncios pactados o con el resultado ofrecido a las marcas.

Aunado a este reporte tenemos el que señaló que Facebook infló sus reportes de las métricas de sus anuncios, sobre todo en sus videos digitales. El señalamiento ocurrió cuando medios como El Financiero reportaron que la plataforma contaba como video visto cuando un usuario reproducía por más de tres segundos un video, pero no presentaba métricas cuando este material no era visto o el video era reproducido por menos de tres segundos.

En tema de redes sociales la segunda novedad ocurrió cuando Snapchat anunció que cambió de nombre a Snap Inc. El cambio de su nombre vino de la mano con la introducción en un segmento comercial, donde planea vender una división de dispositivos wearables de smart sunglasses llamados Spectacles y que introducen a la plataforma en una industria de desarrollo de wearables, donde plataformas digitales como Amazon ya han desarrollado dispositivos como la bocina Amazon Echo o la tableta para leer libros electrónicos Kindle.

Como tercer novedad encontramos la actualización que hizo Facebook al catálogo de su desarrollo Dynamic Ads for Travel, con el que anunciantes digitales, en específico, las marcas del sector turístico redirigen publicidad a usuarios que dejan registro de buscar destinos o vuelos de viaje.

La novedad dentro de este desarrollo es que en vez de mostrar las cualidades de un hotel, por ejemplo, se muestran imágenes del destino a visitar.

Una cuarta novedad la encontramos con Waze y el desarrollo de su herramienta de favoritos, con la que marcas pueden tomar ventaja de los lugares que visita un usuario y quedan registrados en su perfil, para hacer propuestas de anuncios basados en su geolocalización, por lo que una vez que es identificada la cercanía entre un usuario y la tienda de una marca que participe dentro de esta colaboración, aparecerá un banner en el mapa y recomendaciones para llegar a estos lugares.

Por último tenemos la transmisión en Facebook Live, que se llevará a cabo este lunes en el que tendrá lugar el debate entre la candidata demócrata Hillary Clinton y el republicano, Donald Trump.

El recurso de hacer una transmisión de streaming digital a través de una red social lleva a observar una apuesta cada vez mayor de la mercadotecnia política digital, que estará desarrollando una serie de estrategias a partir de los resultados que tenga este primer encuentro entre los candidatos a la presidencia de EU.

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Seven ways to future-proof your digital strategy

Nurcin Erdogan Loeffler, head of strategy and innovation, Vizeum China, outlines the seven ways businesses can future proof their digital strategies.

With more than two years in China and a background in strategy, Nurcin Erdogan Loeffler shared her thoughts on future proofing a business strategy with the audience at ClickZ Live Shanghai.

While the future for many of us is seen as something unpredictable and scary, the definition on Wikipedia is quite simple: “The Future” is the time after the present.

But what does that actually mean?

“When we look at the reality, especially in our industry, the future is now. We are already used to seeing science fiction as science fact,” says Erdogan Loeffler.

To understand the three stages of time, Erdogan Loeffler quoted from Steve Case’s book: The Third Wave: An Entrepreneur’s Vision of the Future.

The first wave: The first wave is the past. This was a period of infrastructure building to bring the technology to the people. Think Microsoft and Cisco.

The second wave: The second wave is the present. This is about the software. “It’s about all those smart kids in their parents garages with a good idea that changed the world. It was about being agile, disruptive and empowering,” says Erdogan Loeffler.

The third wave: The third wave is the future which is already here. This will not be disruptive but constructive, says Erdogan Loeffler. “It will be different in terms of changing the world in terms of partnering up and growing further with existing partners.”

The futurist Gerd Leonhard, sums up how “change” itself will be disrupted in the future in this short video.

Digital transformation: are you ready for exponential change? Futurist Gerd Leonhard, TFAStudios

Here are Erdogan Loeffler’s seven tips for future proofing your business strategy.

1. Don’t have a digital strategy

It is very important at this moment in time where we are speaking about where we are in the future, that having a digital strategy doesn’t make sense, says Erdogan Loeffler.

Having a business strategy that is built for the digital world on the other hand, is the future.

At the World Economic Forum in 2015, Eric Schmidt, executive chairman of Google (now Alphabet), caused a stir when he said the Internet would disappear.

“What he really meant is the Internet will become like air. The Internet will become everywhere. Today, when we talk about digital, we see it as medium, as a part of our marketing mix. But tomorrow, CEOs will become the head of digital… or vice versa,” says Erdogan Loeffler.

Once we start to accept that digital will be everywhere we will start to understand why it is not relevant to have a digital strategy.

“Having a digital strategy will be as absurd as having an electricity-enabled fridge. The Internet of things is almost over. The Internet of everywhere will become a reality very soon,” she adds.

2. People and their needs FIRST

Another of Erdogan Loeffler’s favorite writers is James Harris and his book, Think More Analogue, Be More Digital. In it, Harris underlines five global human needs that drive all digital behavior.

These are:

  • Distraction
  • Learning
  • Recognition
  • Relationships
  • Progression

To confirm whether China fits into this global stereotype, Vizeum looked at annual Chinese consumer research involving the surveying of 70,000 people across the country. And the China results are not so dissimilar to global digital behavior.

The top three reasons for spending time online for Chinese consumers are:

  • They want to be kept updated with trends (64.4%)
  • It’s a good source of learning (61%)
  • It puts me in a good mood (60%)


*Source: Vizeum / CCS 2015

The big difference however is that the sophisticated Chinese consumer has one key motivation – to stand out.

  • Almost 50% of Chinese adults what to stand out as an individual.
  • Almost 50% like to buy products that stand out as being different.
  • 80% of millennials believe that to be successful it is worth expressing my true opinion in front of others.


“What is important for future proofing your business strategy, is that behind every device is a human. They don’t really remember what you are saying or what you are doing. They only remember how you make them feel. So emotional connections will always mean a better return on investment,” says Erdogan Loeffler.

3. Turn data into actionable insights

Data is like a jungle – it’s dangerous and it’s so big you can get lost in it, says Erdogan Loeffler.

“And unless you know your route and which animal you want to hunt, you have to be very careful or data can hunt you.”

Data is only meaningful when it can really be used and leveraged as an actionable human insight, she says.

Here’s a case study of how Vizeum worked with Marina Bay Sands to close the loop within the digital network.

Marina Bay Sands / Vizeum APAC

4. Content is the king

In 1996, Bill Gates first used the slogan, “Content is King” and it’s a strategy still being used today – 20 years on.

Erdogan Loeffler says the global rule for creating content that works is content that:

  • Lets you love
  • Makes you cry
  • Stimulates some desire


*Source: Vizeum

Here’s how SK-II’s emotional “left over women” campaign brought many viewers in China to tears.

Good content, inspired by good insight always works, she says.

5. Context is the queen

Every king needs a queen.

“It’s not enough to have great content – it needs to deliver the right message to the right person, in the right medium at the right place and the right time – and this is what we call context marketing,” says Erdogan Loeffler.

With the average attention span of a person now at about three seconds, advertisers have a small window to ‘catch’ the consumer. Therefore, it’s very important to have the right content mixed and married with the right context, she says.

Here’s how Vizeum worked with BBC Earth to launch in Asia, using behavioral and contextual data.

BBC Earth / Vizeum APAC

6. Watch your body language

A large part of human interaction is non-verbal – 60%. And it’s no different for brand marketing, says Erdogan Loeffler.

“As brands we are saying we are amazing but behind that are you lying? Through social media the consumer can really understand a brand’s body language.”

She cites KLM’s brilliant use of ‘body language’ through its digital customer service channels.

“KLM is openly talking. It creates a profile beyond the brand, being helpful, being reactive. Ask them a question and within one hour they will reply.”

(Read a case study on KLM’s use of WeChat for customer service in China here.)

7. Close the loop (or somebody else will close it for you)

In China, ecommerce, social commerce, m-commerce and brand commerce are well established.

Path to purchase used to be quite simple whereas now it’s quite complicated, says Erdogan Loeffler. Gone are the days of a direct route, today’s marketer never knows when the transaction will happen so it’s important that every interaction has the potential to close the loop.


Concluding her presentation, Erdogan Loeffler left the audience with one final piece of advice.

“I believe all of theses points are very important but one key takeaway is to remember that people are not cookies or devices or audiences or consumers. People are people.”

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Guide to Google ranking signals – Part 4: content freshness

Last week we published the third instalment of our complete guide to Google ranking signals.

It concentrated on the rather nebulous term ‘quality content’ and the practical signals you can provide Google to prove the text on your webpage is worthwhile.

This week we continue diving into on-page content factors, with content freshness.


How recently your webpage was published is a ranking signal. However different searches have different freshness needs. (Source: Google Inside search post)

Google checks content for freshness by monitoring the following types of searches…

  • Recent events or hot topics: Anything that begins trending on the web, that searchers want to find the latest information on immediately.
  • Regularly recurring events: These are events that take place on a regular basis, such as annual conferences or presidential elections. Without a specific qualifier, you probably expect to see information on the most recent event, and not one from years ago.
  • Frequent updates: These are searches for information that changes often, but isn’t a recent or regularly occurring event. These tend to be searches for frequently updated tech products or car brands.

Google will then check for spikes around search volume, whether news publishers and blogs have begun writing about the subject as well as social media mentions.

So if your content manages to ride the crest of the above, you may see a rankings boost for being first on the scene, or by regularly updating your content to remain fresh.

Moz recently looked at whether content freshness is a factor and went into further detail on all the possible ways Google determines content freshness. The following insights come from Moz’s research by Cyrus Shepard, so click on the link for more information.

1) Freshness by inception date

A web page can be given an immediate freshness score based on its publication date, which decays over time as the content becomes older.

2) Regular updates to content

Google scores ‘fresh content’ that’s updated regularly in a different way to a news article that doesn’t change.

3) Changes to a webpage’s core content matters more than other areas

Changes made in the main body of the article are far more important than other areas, such as Javascript, comments, navigation, etc.

4) How often the content changes

Content that changes more often is scored differently than content that only changes every few years.

5) New page creation

Websites or blogs that publish new webpages more frequently will earn a higher freshness score than those who only publish once in a while.

6) Rate of new link growth may signal freshness

If a webpage sees has an increase in the number of external sites linking to it, this could be seen as a sign of relevance to Google.

7) Links from sites rated ‘fresh’ will pass freshness on to you

Links from sites determined to have a high freshness score can raise your own freshness level.

8) Traffic and engagement metrics may signal freshness

Standard engagement behaviours on SERP results, such as click-throughs and time on page, can be an indicator of freshness and relevance.

9) Changes in anchor text pointing towards your site may devalue older links

If your website or webpage suddenly or gradually changes focus over time (say from a carpentry guide to a best practice SEO guide – sounds unlikely, but you never know), then anchor text pointing to you will likely change in line with the different topic.

Google may then decide that your page has changed so much that the old anchor text is no longer fresh and devalue those older links.

10) Older is often better

The newest result isn’t always the best. For older, less news-worthy topics, an in-depth, authoritative result that’s been around a long while may rank highest.

Google News

11) Of course you can ensure that Google recognises that your content is fresh, and may immediately place you on the first SERP in its News section (or Top Stories on mobile), if you have successfully submitted your site to Google News.

google news

You can check the guidelines for Google News submission here.

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viernes, 23 de septiembre de 2016

Estrena la serie El Exorcista, con Alfonso Herrera (tendencia y memes)

How National Geographic uses visual storytelling to stand out in social media

National Geographic is known for its impressive visual content. How did it use it though to create a highly successful social presence?

There are not many brands that can explain the power of visual storytelling as well as National Geographic, a media brand with a history of 128 years in science and photography that uses all its resources to create a compelling social presence.

Nadine Heggie, Vice President of Global Partnerships for National Geographic Partners Europe & Africa, offered an insight during Social Media Week on how the brand dominates social media with the use of storytelling and the power of the community.


National Geographic is already reaching 730 million people each month, but according to Nadine Heggie, it was social media that fuelled the growth of the business, with a social footprint of 270.9 million followers, 1.6 billion actions and an engagement that is 8x higher than any other media brand.

What led to this success? Here are the five key points that any brand can study when seeking social success.

1. Leading with the visuals

Instagram is the ideal platform for National Geographic to narrate a visual story and it reached 60 million followers by handing the account to its contributing photographers, curating images from their assignments, or even their daily lives.

This led to stunning and authentic visual content that the audience appreciated, which encouraged the brand to experiment even more.


The next step was to drive conversation through visual storytelling, enhancing the participation to establish NatGeo’s feed as an account more users would like to follow.

In fact, National Geographic is among the most popular accounts on Instagram, being surrounded by celebrities, which means that people are still interested in unique storytelling, provided that the brand can meet their expectations.

2. Invest in storytelling and storytellers

Storytelling cannot occur without a collaboration with photographers, filmmakers, journalists, or even scientists and explorers in the case of National Geographic.

The goal is to bring the experience closer to the consumers closer and powerful images can make it easier.


‘Wild Life’ with Bertie Gregory is another attempt of National Geographic to promote talent and narrate new and authentic stories, through a series of YouTube videos that bring the audience closer to nature.

The content is optimised for all social networks and this both provides new content, but also makes users explore places they wouldn’t imagine.

3. Where, when and how consumers want it


Success in social media cannot happen if you don’t understand your audience. National Geographic is determined to go where the users are, and its latest discovery is Snapchat.

It partnered with Discover channel to experiment with a more playful voice and a new type of content, reaching a younger audience that is still interested in the brand’s unique storytelling.

4. Be flexible and adaptive


Flexibility may help your brand discover new platforms, or types of content that can offer new experiences to the consumer.

Facebook live is another effective method for National Geographic to bring its audience closer to authentic storytelling, with a significantly higher engagement comparing to other types of content.

For example, a recent example was a live video from two explorers from mount Everest, where users felt closer than ever to their experience, with the real-time engagement (likes, comments, shares) being impressive.


5. Lean into purpose

Storytelling should still have a bigger purpose, aligning with the brand’s goals, especially when it’s about raising awareness on important issues.

National Geographic frequently collaborates with ambassadors and photographers to highlight crucial issues that need to be addressed and one of the examples was the successful campaign for World Ocean Day.

The idea was to use all social networks to promote the day, using the power of social media to change the world.


“World Ocean Day” reached 77.7 million fans with storytelling and relevant content, while Snapchat’s content was seen by 7.8k viewers, using the platform’s ephemerality for a good cause.

Why a brand should use storytelling


You don’t have to be National Geographic to tell a good story. Any business can stand out with its own story, provided that it’s showcasing its authenticity.

Social media users appreciate branded content that is genuine and unique and storytelling can increase the chances of turning a visitor into a loyal customer.

What makes storytelling powerful is the ability to help a brand go beyond its promotional content and rather use a story as a way to describe more about its values, its goals, or its company culture.

People feel closer to a brand that can build an emotional connection with them and storytelling is a great way to achieve it.

Storytelling in branded content can:

  • bring a human element to a brand
  • build trust
  • create a relationship
  • make content interesting
  • help repurpose older content
  • provide new creative opportunities
  • help a brand stand out

It’s important to remember that there are no set of rules on how you should tell your own story through your brand. All you need is the inspiration to showcase what makes you stand out.

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12 tips for content marketing from an SEO perspective

How can you create content marketing which works for search, right from the start?

Many of us probably think of SEO as something which is done after the fact: you create your copy, then you think about how to optimise it. But at the Content Marketing Association’s Digital Breakfast last week, Kevin Gibbons from BlueGlass proposed a radically different approach.

To make your content work for SEO, Gibbons’ advice is to “start with the end in mind”. You need to be thinking about promotion from the word go, he said; so that when it comes to publishing your content, you already have a distribution and promotion strategy in mind, and have crafted your content towards that goal.

So how can you carry this out in practice? Here are twelve tips from Kevin Gibbons’ presentation that will ensure your content works for search from beginning to end.

Break down ‘silos’ when creating your team

I’m not the biggest fan of the word ‘silos’; in fact, in seven months of writing about digital marketing and search, I’ve become heartily sick of it. But essentially what it means in this context is bringing people together across different departments – SEO, content strategy, creativity, PR and social media – to work on content.

Content marketing is a team effort, and your team should combine a variety of talents; in Gibbons’ words, “Get the right people on the bus!”

He warned against doing too many different things, and trying to spread yourself too thin. Ideally, you want to put together a team of people who specialise in their different areas, rather than trying to have one or two people be good at everything.

Know your goals

Once you’ve got your awesome team assembled, it’s time to set some goals. First off, understand your brand: what is your purpose and the story you want to tell? What are your core values, and how can you communicate them?

As an example of this, Gibbons cited Apple’s 1997 ‘Think Different’ slogan and the adverts that Apple put together to communicate this message:

Second, know your audience and understand who you are targeting. As John Romero, video game entrepreneur, once said: “Market to your best customers first, your best prospects second and the rest of the world last.”

Thirdly, what’s the aim of your content marketing, and how can you measure and prove it? Success looks different depending on what you’re trying to achieve, and different metrics can be important to measuring different kinds of success.

Are you tracking conversions, traffic, social engagement, equivalent media spend? Are you looking for an improvement in customer support or sales?

Finally, Gibbons recommends creating clear content guidelines to work out what you should and shouldn’t be publishing. “Don’t be afraid to say no – being selective is good to keep focused on what’s really important.”

content-guidelinesImage: BlueGlass

Do a content audit

Before you strike out and create new content, take stock of what you already have with an audit. Can you improve on it? What worked, and what didn’t go over so well? What has generated the most traffic, or social engagement and links?

Knowing what content you have is also hugely useful in developing a good internal linking strategy, which is key for SEO. And if customers are going to be finding your brand through this content, even just occasionally, it’s important to make sure it’s up to date and relevant!

Don’t create content for content’s sake

They say that every minute on the internet, there are 400 hours of video uploaded to YouTube, 3.3 million Facebook posts, over 400,000 Tweets, and over 1,200 WordPress blog posts published. So how can you differentiate your content amongst so much noise?

Make your content is quality, necessary and worthwhile – don’t just create content for the sake of publishing content. Google’s algorithms prioritise quality content, so publishing less and publishing well, rather than churning out generic content, will help the content that you do have rank better. In the words of copyblogger:

“SEO can’t, by itself, make a popular blog. First, you need remarkable content, and then you optimize it for search engines. Skip the remarkable part, and all the optimization in the world won’t help you.”

Create data-driven content – and make it newsworthy

When putting together your quality, well-crafted content, one thing that Gibbons recommends doing is incorporating data. Find out what data your client has, and look at how you can use that in your content. More data increases your credibility, and data can also be a great hook when pitching to journalists, especially if you can find a good news angle.

Get exclusives for your content (but make sure you’re the source)

This is a tactic that works well if you have data-driven content and/or content with a good news angle. Agreeing an exclusive with a publisher in advance can help to get their buy-in on covering it, plus it helps with additional outreach to other publishers afterwards.

The coverage helps both to amplify your brand and to boost your SEO with backlinks; just make sure that you’re credited as the source!


Create content that answers questions

Creating content which answers your audience’s questions is a sound principle on multiple levels, both in terms of content value and in terms of SEO. First of all, by researching your audience and understanding their pain points, you better understand the people who your content is targeted at.

Secondly (if done well), it allows you to create evergreen, quality content that your audience can come back to repeatedly as a valuable resource.

How-to guides and ‘tutorial’ style content are always a good bet for both audience value and SEO, as people often search with a specific question in mind.

This is particularly true for voice search, where people tend to phrase their searches in the form of a whole question – so Q&A style content is especially well-suited to ranking for voice searches.

A useful tip that Gibbons gave is to start by answering people’s questions on sites like Quora and community forums, which will give you an insight into what they want to know. Then turn your most popular answers into more in-depth content!

Understand what triggers Quick Answers, and play to it

Also known as ‘rich answers’ and ‘featured snippets’, Quick Answers are those informative boxouts at the top of Google search results which quickly supply the information you’re searching for.

Rather than being drawn from the top ranking result on the SERP, they’re drawn from the content that Google thinks best answers the query.

featured snippet

So if you gear your content towards these boxes, they can be a fantastic way to ‘leapfrog’ to the top of search results and get your branding – and content – up there at the top.

Happily, ‘how to’ style content, which we mentioned in the last point, is ideal for this, along with Q&A style content and bullet point lists.

For more on how to hack Google’s Quick Answers, read Jim Yu’s guide to the ABC of Google Quick Answers.

Make the customer the hero

Involve your audience! If you think your content is about you, says Gibbons, you’re missing the point – when people share content, they share it about themselves, not you. And by involving your audience, you have an in-built reason for people to share and talk about your content.

Another speaker at CMA’s Digital Breakfast, Scott Davies, CEO of social TV and advertising company, gave some great ideas as to how this can be used to jazz up a marketing campaign.

For example, when tasked with promoting a fairly boring household item – a mop – asked people to submit their own videos on Vine and Instagram of doing different things with the mop. The result was a plethora of hilarious short videos that made for a great ad.

Another piece of advice that Gibbons gave was to play on people’s egos. Your audience loves to talk about themselves and where they’re from. Play on rivalries between cities, between countries, between areas.

Buzzfeed is a pro at this kind of content, because it’s so shareable – just look at 45 Reasons The North Of England Is Better Than The South, or 31 Reasons To Avoid South London.

Remember that you’re building an audience – not just traffic or links

People like to consume content in different ways, so think about how you can recycle the same content into multiple formats. You could turn an in-depth study into a series of short-form articles, or build up a long article into a downloadable guide or whitepaper. You could create interactive content, infographics or data visualisations, email newsletters, video.

You can use these additional pieces to create “content upgrades” – offering a resource that’s unique to each blog post, or other piece of content, that readers need to submit an email address or share on social media in order to receive.

The result is more value for your audience, more mileage for your content, and a huge boost to your email subscribers or social backlinks. Backlinko has a more detailed guide on how to make and use content upgrades.

Explore relevant syndication partners

Think about where you can cross-post your content both to amplify its signal and to create backlinks. Outlets like LinkedIn and Medium can be great for attracting an audience that your site might not get otherwise.

Just remember two things: one, don’t spread yourself too thin by trying to cover every platform – work out where your audience is, and concentrate on those outlets.

And two, remember that you’re still publishing to someone else’s platform, with their brand and their rules. And even though the traffic is going to your content, it’s still going to their site.

Walled gardens make up so much of the internet that it’s all but impossible to avoid them, but you can be savvy about publishing to them.

For example, post the first half of a blog post on LinkedIn, and then once you’ve got your reader hooked, invite them to read the rest of the content on your site.

Hopefully they’ll take the bait and follow the link to where you want them. (This tip comes courtesy of my colleague Ben Rabinovich, editor of PaymentEye – thanks, Ben!)


Just do it!

Don’t second-guess yourself with questions like, “What if everyone knows this already?” or “Why would I share all of this information if people can just copy it?” What people don’t get, says Gibbons, is the biggest risk is not doing it at all. Take a gamble on that adventurous content idea, and it might just pay off – but it won’t if you don’t!

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“La mejor forma de conectar con tu audiencia es generar contenido relevante”: Miguel Pereira, CEO de Social Noise

El marketing digital ya no es nuevo, pero si una tendencia más que vigente si se toma en cuenta el crecimiento y uso de internet y las redes sociales, por lo que para analizar las tendencias de este sector, Merca2.0 ha conversado en exclusiva con Miguel Pereira, CEO de la agencia de marketing digital Social Noise.

Un panorama que requiere de constante atención, dadas las actualizaciones que hacen las diversas plataformas y las tendencias que surgen casi a diario entre los usuarios, son el caldo de cultivo para que muchas marcas saquen partido a sus acciones, pero para lograrlo, hay que saber hacerlo…

Merca2.0: ¿Cómo enfrentan las marcas la monetización de las acciones en redes sociales?

Miguel Pereira: “Depende muchísimo de la marca, del sector, de la plataforma. (…) Si tuviera que sacar mis aprendizajes de estos años, cuanto más relevante es el contenido, mejor suelen ser los resultados.

“También creo que la dependencia de una sola plataforma suele ser negativa (…) Si tienes una dependencia a una plataforma por todo el dinero que has invertido, eres vulnerable a que esa plataforma cambie sus reglas de juego y por lo tanto de favorezca o no te beneficie.”

Estamos en un momento en el que tenemos grandes estrellas de las redes que están acaparando un montón de tráfico e influencia, como son Instagram, Snapchat y YouTube, y las marcas que saben entender los códigos de comunicación con la audiencia en esos canales, están haciendo casos de éxito con contenido relevante.

Todo tiene que ver con que las marcas y las agencias entendamos los códigos de actuación y conexión con la audiencia de cada una de las plataformas.

Merca2.0: ¿Se ha superado la noción de que los perfiles en redes sociales de las empresas y marcas requieren de ‘unos minutos diarios’ para mantenerlos actualizados?

Miguel Pereira: “Creo que eso si está superado. Creo que todas las grandes marcas o tienen agencias o equipo interno (y puedo argumentar a favor de las dos) y si que se comprende que no hay que estar en todos lados por estar, que hay que estar con objetivos claros, con unos KPI’s, entendiendo el entorno, hay que integrar la estrategia de marketing digital dentro de la estrategia de marketing y ésta dentro de la estrategia de mercadeo de la compañía.”

Merca2.0: ¿Tienen claro las marcas en España el tipo de contenido que se debe generar para cada situación y plataforma?

Miguel Pereira: “Las marcas tienen que entender y creo que en muchos casos lo van entendiendo, que la mejor forma de conectar con tu audiencia es generar contenido relevante. Normalmente tiene que ver con entretenimiento e información. Con trabajar territorios y temas que a la audiencia le resulten relevantes. Que eso es distinto para cada marca y cada segmento del mercado.”

Las claves, como señala Pereira, están en investigar y luego invertir en contenido de calidad.

Merca2.0: Influencers y YouTubers, ¿Cuál es el rol que jugaran en el marketing digital?

Miguel Pereira: “El concepto de apoyarte en alguien que tiene una credibilidad en un determinado segmento de la población, es algo universal, histórico y que perdurará en el tiempo, lo que va cambiando es cómo, en que territorios y con que formatos funcionan esos influencers”.

“Creo que los YouTubers tienen un recorrido enorme, durante años”, sin embargo destaca que como es habitual, cada vez son más quienes incursionan en esta modalidad, y deben competir por ganarse su cuota de atención en este panorama de creciente fragmentación ante el éxito que están teniendo.

“Pero si que va a seguir habiendo YouTubers importantes, que van a marcar tendencia, que van a acaparar una cuota importante por la atención de la audiencia a sus videos, que van a ‘rascarle’ a la televisión, porque atraen a la audiencia más joven. Poquito a poco van arañar audiencia de TV hacia sus canales. Lo que hay que hacer, es detectar en que plataformas o territorios van a surgir los influencer dentro de cinco o diez años.”

Merca2.0: ¿Qué otras tendencias observas que ganaran terreno en un futuro cercano?

Miguel Pereira: “Una de las tendencias, tiene que ver con la narrativa audiovisual. Con la sofisticación de cómo se construye el mensaje a nivel audiovisual. Y ahí las propias plataformas van creando el lenguaje”, como por ejemplo la tendencia a grabar videos en formato vertical.

“Hay marcas que entienden eso, y marcas que no. Y luego hay plataformas que permiten editar esos videos con textos, imágenes, dibujos, emojis, y eso los ‘adopters’, que son quienes los adoptan primero, que son los más jóvenes, empiezan a usarlo de forma muy espontanea para comunicarse entre sí. Cuando eso se hace grande y trasciende un determinado colectivo, comienza una tendencia narrativa social.”

Esto es algo que deben entender las marcas, que no se trata de narrativas anecdóticas sino de nuevas formas de comunicación de la sociedad, que al consolidarse, es asumido por los usuarios, naturalmente, como la narrativa imperante. “Las marcas que detecten cuáles son esas narrativas, conseguirán conectar mejor y antes con la audiencia, que las demás.”

The post “La mejor forma de conectar con tu audiencia es generar contenido relevante”: Miguel Pereira, CEO de Social Noise appeared first on Revista Merca2.0.

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jueves, 22 de septiembre de 2016

5 consejos para una estrategia de social media marketing efectiva

Las estrategias de mercadotecnia en redes sociales están cada vez más determinadas en lograr que las compañías comuniquen sus marcas y servicios con el consumidor digital.

El consumidor digital se puede contar  en México a través de diversas cifras como las que suman en 64.5 millones los usuarios de redes sociales que existen en el país, según The CIU (con datos al segundo trimestre de este año).

Ante este mercado se estima que a nivel mundial existan 2.34 mil millones de usuarios de redes sociales al término de 2016, según un estimado de eMarketer y la cifra crece hasta los 2.95 mil millones en 2020.

De cara a este consumidor es importante encontrar las formas de lograr una estrategia efectiva de mercadotecnia en redes sociales, donde la comunicación entre las marcas y el consumidor es clave, pues estas plataformas se basan en la interacción.

A partir de este objetivo es importante observar cinco consejos que podemos implementar una estrategia efectiva a través de redes sociales.

El primer está en el conocimiento clave de las redes sociales, que comienza con la respuesta a dos preguntas clave: ¿Cuándo y cómo hacer social media? ¿Cómo usar y con que objetivo las distintas redes sociales? En la medida en que se clasifiquen y definan las plataformas, así como se conozca su funcionamiento, será posible comenzar a diseñar una estrategia.

Como segundo consejo tenemos la apuesta en content marketing, donde no sólo es básico la creación de una estrategia de contenido para redes sociales, también se debe cuidar la administración de contenido a través de elementos como el visual content, native content y la correcta aplicación de herramientas, que nos ayuden a fortalecer y poder medir su aplicación.

Un tercer consejo es aplicar la estrategia en social media enfocada en el éxito de su implementación, a través de entender el papel de las redes sociales en el plan de medios, sin perder de vista las estrategias de geolocalización y en qué medida ayuda el papel del influencer en social media y big data, cada vez más determinado como el nuevo jugador del social media.

Poner atención a la medición de las redes sociales nos lleva a mantener el pulso en el éxito de una campaña implementada a través de estas plataformas, donde no podemos dejar de lado el uso de herramientas gratuitas así como las que tienen costo, sin dejar de lado el ROI en redes sociales.

Por último no debemos dejar de mirar el futuro de las redes sociales, donde cada vez es más determinante las tendencias dentro de la sociedad y las oportunidades que se presentan a partir de estudiar este segmento, con el objetivo de crear modelos de apps de marketing o avanzar en desarrollos de realidad aumentada.

Estos elementos podrán ser aprendidos en el Diplomado Social Media Marketing impartido por la Escuela de Mercadotecnia (Edem).

Inicio de clases: 14 octubre 2016

Idioma en que se imparte el diplomado: Español

5 Profesores – 80 horas

Informes e inscripciones al 5516.2346 ext. 140 y 117 / 5219.5770

Lada sin costo al 01800 715 7444

The post 5 consejos para una estrategia de social media marketing efectiva appeared first on Revista Merca2.0.

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Instagram supera el medio millón de anunciantes: Jim Squires, director de Market Operations

Instagram content best practice: winning examples from global brands

This month saw the release of the 2016 cross-border business handbook: Going global with Facebook. It is a good body of research for budding social media marketers looking to use such services to connect with consumers across international regions.

What with the data in the report having been collected by Facebook and the title of the document seemingly only referring to Facebook, you’d be forgiven for thinking that the research covered anything other than Mark Zuckerberg’s flagship service.

But it is the Instagram-related trends buried deep in the latter pages which I wanted to cover today.

After all, there’s more to social media than Facebook. Instagram is proving a successful service for brands and organisations to engage with their audiences. And in the process, some are using content in a number of interesting ways.insta1

Mercedes-Benz share how they’re organizing things neatly

In order to promote their new compact SUV, the handbook details how Mercedes-Benz recently took to Instagram to leverage its rich visual functionality and highlight the space-saving design of the GLA vehicle.

Taking influence from the widely-used #ThingsOrganizedNeatly hashtag, the brand did just that. They used the GLA’s custom cargo mat on which to organize items relevant to trips that potential customers would make. These sponsored posts were also cross-targeted with users on Facebook.

The campaign resulted in a 14 point lift in recall for Mercedes-Benz Instagram ads, a 54% increase in site visits from both Instagram and Facebook ads, as well as a 580% increase in site visits when combined with Facebook direct response ads.

Qantas use seasonal photo and video imagery to engage emotionally

Shaping marketing campaigns around the seasons is nothing new, but airline Qantas looked to Instagram to connect with a younger audience itching to travel and returning home this summer.

insta2According to the report, Qantas are the first Australian brand to run a video and photo campaign on the service. They sought to present ‘quintessentially summer moments’ such as surfing, cricket and going on road trips with additional 15 second video clips of real people reuniting at airports during the season.

In response, the brand saw a 30 point lift in ad recall and a 4 point lift in message association.


CCTV News re-appropriate existing content to give it a new lease of life on Instagram

The Chinese broadcaster successfully used Instagram to recycle the best of their existing content and to reach a US audience.

By curating memorable moments from a range of CCTV News documentaries and films into 15 second Instagram blips, The handbook details how they managed to portray themselves as a destination for quality and wide-ranging world news with a unique perspective.

The videos really connected with the younger end of the US audience, reaching 3.7m people and seeing a 6 point lift in ad recall among 25-34 year-olds as well as a 4 point lift in brand awareness.

Birchbox jump on the unboxing trend

Beauty product subscription service, Birchbox, have also recently used short video clips on Instagram to drive engagement and promote their boxes.


The brand adopted the recent online video trend of ritual unboxing and showed their actual staff members receiving boxes and trying out the products they contain. The videos also reflected the tropes established in “let me show you” style blog posts.

As a result of the campaign, Birchbox saw a 12 point lift in brand awareness and a 26 point lift in ad recall.

Instagram best practice

The above examples were just a few of the brands featured in the report which have successfully made use of Instagrams’ specific content-led functionality. The handbook also cites what it considers to be best practice for using the service…

  • On brand: Those who are doing best on Instagram have best identified their brand’s unique point of view and are ensuring that the content they create quickly reflect the brand – either via “a logo, an iconic brand element, or a brand colour.”
  • Consistent: Users need to be able to scan a brand’s Instagram page and quickly identify a message from a selection of photos and video stills. Consistent messaging “across both paid and organic content” is really important.
  • Concept driven: All of the brands succeeding on Instagram according to the handbook have concept driven campaigns. This can be “a specific visual treatment, or a theme” and some which we’ve seen work really well reflect trends already proving popular on social media such as hashtags and unboxings.
  • Well crafted: Bold uncluttered imagery that is well-considered works well on Instagram. Quality composition and style can be achieved with careful planning and without the need for big budgets. Remember, Instagram is something of a product of high-resolution mobile screens – so ensure any content works in this context.

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