jueves, 2 de junio de 2016

Psychological Strategies to Increase eCommerce Sales

If you’re an eCommerce brand, you know the struggle of trying to get into your customers’ minds to understand their purchasing habits. From developing a sales calendar to making aesthetic changes to your website, it’s always a never-ending battle to boost eCommerce sales.

Thankfully, the team at DataDial did some great research and put together this awesome infographic that details the psychological tricks that brands can use on their websites to increase purchases. Now, there’s a lot to digest here, so I’ve listed my top 10 psychological tricks below:

Well-Placed Reviews: Nothing makes people more confident in purchasing a product than hearing that other people enjoyed it and would recommend it to others. Make reviews easily accessible and seen right on your product pages to increase conversion rates.

Allow Negative Reviews: It’s nearly impossible for everyone to like your products. You need to be real with your customers and build trust with them, and you can do that by showing some of your negative reviews.

Show the Savings: Showing the price savings next to the product helps customers visualize how much they’re actually saving, and if it’s a good sale, they’re going to want to take advantage of it.

Use Numbers Instead of Words: Similar to what I was just saying about showing the savings, we as shoppers need to visualize the savings, and it’s a lot easier to do that when it says 60% off rather than Sixty percent off. The numbers will jump off the page more, and I’m willing to bet you’ll drive more sales this way.

Real-Time Countdown: You’ve seen this on websites before, and I’m sure it’s impacted your checkout behavior—I know it’s impacted mine. By using a real-time countdown, you’re giving your customers a sense of urgency to checkout and making them feel like they’re missing out on something if they don’t buy.

Add Relevant Products to Checkout Page: I’m guilty of doing this myself, and I’m sure there have been plenty of times when you purchased additional products because there were relevant ones shown to you right before you checked out.

Test CTA Button Colors: If you’ve ever read any of Unbounce’s content, you probably already know about how the color, size, shape, and messaging of a CTA button can impact conversions. Take some more time to do some research and really learn what CTA button is the best for your brand based on your target demographic.

HD Photography: There’s nothing worse than pixely, distorted photos on a website. Enough said.

Abandon Cart Strategy: Websites like Shopify make it easy to setup abandon cart strategies, so you can stay in front of the non-purchasers who have been to your website. Make sure you deploy this strategy, and I can guarantee you’ll see a spike in sales.

Offer A Free Trial: Everyone loves being able to try something out before purchasing. Give your customers a free trial so they can test out your product or service before buying.

Check out the rest of DataDial’s psychological suggestions and start increasing your sales.

Psychological Strategies to Increase eCommerce Sales [Infographic]

Source: http://ift.tt/SK11Ju
Author: Pete Schauer
Original Article: http://ift.tt/1Jo5wAU

from Strong Social http://ift.tt/1Wyl13V
via Strong Social ref=da&site=blogger">IFTTT

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